Monday, March 8, 2010

March Madness

I know I promised to write more and it hasn't happened... I have been busy playing with and loving on all of our babies: young, old, veterans and rookies!
The dogs loved the snows of Jan and Feb and have been in Doggie Heaven over the last week or so. The sunshine, warm weather, and countless hours outside have been wonderful for all of us. Our new white Boxer, Rommel, Maggie, my rotten child, and myself have had to stay lathered up in sunscreen over the past few days-what a wonderful problem to have.
Brook and I are prepping for summer. We have ordered tents, additional fans and air conditioners, and tank tops so we can maybe stay cool.
Friday we hired a new part time worker to assist us. She has her Vet Assistance degree and 3 babies of her own. We interviewed her but the true test was bringing her out with the Ultimutts to see how they reacted. They loved her instantly and after about 20 minutes of watching her interact with the dogs we knew she would be a fit. So if you see Kristal up here welcome her to the pack.
Spring Break is coming, don't forget about your pet while you are on vacation!