Monday, September 28, 2009

Amazing Day at Ultimutt

It has been a while since I have been able to sit down and write about the dogs' daily activities. We are very thankful that we have been so busy both of us are on the yard the majority of the day.

The dogs are becoming very very good friends. They are thrilled to see each other every morning. Brook and I just love having each Ultimutt run in-so happy to be here and clawing at the door to get out back with their friends.

We have added some dogs to our pack. Bailey, a very energetic black lab, comes every afternoon to run off some of that lab energy. Kira, the Greyhound, has become a regular and loves learning to play and interact with all the other dogs, big and small. Dixie, a Boarder Collie, has the sweetest eyes on the planet and wants to run, run, run and then just be loved! Diva is Hershey and Dixie Bell's little sister-she spent the weekend with us and plans on spending 2 weeks with us starting Wednesday. It took her a few hours to warm up (most dogs warm up in a matter of minutes) but then she was great and like everyone else here, thought she owned the place. Olive and Violet have made me fall in love with Pugels (Pug/Beagles). They have the bark and the energy of a Beagle and the personality of a Pug. They are so fun to have here! Harlow, is our 4 month old Great Dane, she looks so much like Farley in her markings. She is growing up great. She is learning that she is bigger than the rest of the dogs and how to play gentle with the small dogs and she can be rougher with the big young dogs. I know I am leaving many out but will write more later on them.

As I finish this post: Darby is laying in the chair next to me-she really thinks she is a human. Chance is faithfully sleeping at my feet. Lilly Jack is 'talking' to Brook. Cutie Pie and Buddy are wrestling. Maggie is sniffing (gotta love that Beagle blood in her), Kira is strutting around the yard, Abbey is sleeping. Mack is playing with Abby and Jesabell, and Andy is sitting with Brook.
Another amazing day at Ultimutt!

Training Class Tonight

Tonight is the 2nd (of 6) training class. I am really looking forward to seeing the progress the dogs made last week and teaching them more this week. Training is such an important part of you and your dogs relationship-I love being able to be a part of it.
Stephen and I have an exciting lesson plan for tonight and look forward to seeing you at 6.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Training Success

Monday night we had a great class! All the dogs (and owners) were on great behavior and came ready to learn. We taught: sit, stay, come and free. Hopefully each owner is doing their 'homework.' Our daycare Ultimutt's that are in the class are doing great-I am able to work with them while they are here. I can't stress how important it is to use the same commands every time with your dog! Repetition is the key!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Training Classes

Remember training classes start tonight at 6 at Ultimutt. We hope to see you and your Ultimutt here!

Last Week Recap

Thursday I spent most of the afternoon at the vet with 2 of my dogs. Abbey just needed her yearly shots and Maggie wasn't feeling well so we loaded up and headed that way for a check up. All of my dogs are on Frontline/Heartworm treatments and all of our yards are treated (the house and Ultimutt), but Maggie was bit by a tick Labor Day weekend at the Lake and has gotten an infection (not contagious). I tell you this because even though it is cooler outside you MUST keep up with your dogs treatment. Since last winter and this summer have been so mild this is one of the worst months for fleas/ticks in recent history!

Friday was a fun, busy day! Baxter came for the first time, he lives in NWA and his mom was down in Fort Smith working for the day. It was his first time at doggie day care and he loved it. His mom promises to bring him back whenever she works down here. Napoleon came for the first time for a bath-he is a HUGE beautiful Great Pyranees! I am sure it was a sight to see Brook and I trying to load him into the tub and bathing him. Friday afternoon we did LOTS of baths and toe nails. Some dogs (mine included) HATE having their paws touched, but it is imperative that those nails stay short. We had help Friday afternoon (Lyndsay and Laura were wonderful), the girls stayed out with the doggies while Brook and I did baths and nails.

We had lots of boarders this weekend while their parents were at the Hog game. All had a great time! We have a few left and were sad to see the others go!

There is a big bunch of dogs outside with Brook this morning. They saved up a lot of energy over the weekend and are happy to be back together.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away - Don't bother coming back another day!

As I am sure everyone else is - we are tired of the rain. Brook and I watch for the rain to let up just a little and then rush everyone outside to potty. We have had about 2 or 3 five minute breaks today in the rain. And you better believe we made the most of it. Brook and I stood on opposite ends of the big run and threw the ball back and forth. (all the dogs here love to run after the ball but have NO interest in bringing it back) It worked! All the dogs ran full speed and did their 'business.' When the sky opened back up the dogs were ready to go back inside and play there.
Yesterday was another 'lab day' so we had lots that were happy to retrieve the balls for us and plenty of loving. We have had a good crew here this week! We have added a few to our regulars and it is great to have 20 dogs back there every day. The dogs have so much fun and play so hard!
This morning after the dogs had run and played inside for a few hours and were calming down I put on Disney's The Fox and the Hound. If you have never watched a dog watch tv you are missing out-and if you haven't seen a dog watch tv about a dog you are missing one of life's funniest things. When the hound let out a bark like only hounds can all the dogs at Ultimutt talked back to him. Except Kira, our new Greyhound that has joined the Ultimutt family, she was pretty confused as to where the sound was coming from. She checked every dog and when she realized the sound wasn't from them she just walking to me and put her very confused head in my lap.
We have been busy with groomings this week despite the rain. If you need your dog bathed after this nasty weather has passed or they need a hair cut, their nails done, or nails painted just let us know and we will write you down.
We are very excited about our upcoming training classes. We have some great dogs (that soon will be great well behaved dogs) signed up and room for a few more in the class so tell your friends or bring your dog. Nothing is better and more rewarding than having a well behaved dog. Remember they start on Monday, the 21st, at 6pm.
Last thing: 3 DAYS TIL HOG FOOTBALL!!! Don't forget about your doggie-let them come to Ultimutt to play while you go up the Hill.

Monday, September 14, 2009

For the Love of Dogs

We had a wonderful weekend of boarders "Bunking Party" dogs. It was a full house each night! Shadow, 6 month old German Sheppard mix, had a ball. She and Buddy, Golden Retriever, were best friends from the minute they got here. They ran and played like litter mates. Gravy, the pug, is still here and doing wonderfully! He is on the older side so would run and run with the big dogs (remember he lived with Chance for a while so he loves big dogs)and then crash in my lap. Brady is here for another week or so-we aren't going to know what to do without him. He honestly loves life and Ultimutt!

Many of you may remember when the puppy mills were broken up last year and the news covered this tragedy. Penny, the unfortunate feature dog of those news shows, found a wonderful home and is doing great. It has taken the hard work of her 'human mother' and her doggie big sister, Lady, to nurse her back to health but she is a miracle dog. We had the honor of keeping both of these precious girls this weekend. Both are sweet girls and enjoyed their time here at Ultimutt.

Kira, the retired/rescue Greyhound, stayed with us this weekend and is still here. She is a puppy in a 2 year olds body. So curious, happy, playful and full of the desire to be loved. We LOVE watching her thrive in this new life. (for those of you who haven't met her-she is from the tracks in West Memphis and broke her leg, retired young, and was adopted last weekend) This weekend we introduced her to stairs and squeaky toys. It brought tears to my eyes to see how happy she was with a simple squeeky toy and when she figured out the stairs. And I about laughed til I cried when she broke the squeaker and she couldn't make noise any more. (not to worry, I got her a new one)

Today we had a new Ultimutt join the pack. Harlow, the 3 month old Great Dane, is so fun. She is already about the size of a small Lab. Nothing is as fun as playing with big, clumsy, goofy puppies. She had a great time meeting all the dogs big and small dogs. She is a great addition to the Ultimutt Pack.

I have to get ready for the Ultimutt ShowOffs that are tonight. We can't wait to see all the fun tricks and who wins the games.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Swimming Party!

Wednesday afternoon Brook and I decided to spoil the doggies, shocker I know, and go buy them mini swimming pools. They are in LOVE with them! I haven't written since then because I am too busy filling up the pools and laughing!!! Lilly (our Jack Russell that has been swimming in the water bowl) now has an Olympic Pool to swim in and her large friends can join her. Thursday morning when her dad brought her said "What did you do to her? She slept all night! Will you do it again today?" we laughed and showed him the pools. Our big dogs are so happy to be able to roll in the pool, lay down when they are hot or splash and splash. All the dogs seem to turn back into puppies around the pools.

Buddy's favorite game is to run, run, run with the other dogs and then slide into the pool as if it is the 'safe base.' With his slide the water splashes everyone else so all start running again!!! (there is a pool on each side of the yard so they are burning LOTS of energy) Lucy, a beautiful-I mean beautiful-Cockerspaniel, has decided that chasing and running with the big dogs is only fun when it begins or ends in the water. She stays in there most the day.

Today is another Retriever day. We have Maggie and Buddy who are Golden Retrievers and Abbey and Derby who are black and chocolate labs these 4 of course love the water; however, they really would prefer there be sand in the bottom-they try so hard to dig out the bottom. The digging usually results in Buddy, Cutie Pie, Chance, Andy, Mack, Brady, and Bella, barking and ready to play again.

Besides the new ones already mentioned today we have: Gravy Paul, the Pug! Gravy holds a special place in my heart-his mom and I were roommates when we first moved to Fort Smith-he is a FUNNY dog. Also, Lady and Penny are with us today for the first time-both are doing great! I think they are enjoying being around all the other dogs and outside all day in the wonderful fresh air! While talking about new dogs - Kira, a black greyhound, is going to become one of our 'regulars' here at Ultimutt. Her mom drove to West Memphis and picked her up from the race tracks on Saturday-she had broken her leg and was retiring from her racing career. She was here yesterday and is coming back tomorrow. She is a very sweet quiet dog who loves the attention and love of humans and is learning to play with the other dogs-it is obvious she has never had the 'freedoms' that so many of our dogs are used to (running, fetching, playing, barking, etc).

Mitzi is back today, she is a sweet little girl, with a great story. She is doing very very well with all the larger dogs and even the few that are smaller than her. Mitzi and I did some training at lunch today, she is a smart girl and so eager to please training her shouldn't be hard as long as it is followed up at home. Speaking of training our first training class start on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 AT 6:15 pm.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day Weekend Bunkin Party

Friday was a great day around here-lots of excited, tired, old, young, big, and little dogs here for the weekend Bunking Party! For many of our weekend boarders it was their first time to be away from home and all did WONDERFULLY! We were up here late on Friday getting everyone calm and ready to be 'bedded down.' Before we got out of the building you could not hear a sound but the sterio (we leave on to calm them)! All the Ultimutts were out cold! We came back late night for about 45-55 minutes to let them play, potty, and to refill water. Most dogs went back into their crates (we call them 'rooms') before we were ready to go-they were tired!!!

Saturday morning they were happy to see us! They played and played for about an hour each time we came up here (about 4-5imes a day-so they get at least 4 hours of play time on weekends also!!!) and then were happy to return to their rooms for a few hours of nap time. Sunday and Monday continued the same way! Lots of play time and loving when we are here and good nap time between play times!

Monday afternoon we said good bye to about 1/2 of our boarders-we were sad to see them leave. (When dogs are at Ultimutt they are our dogs and we really do love each one of them!)
Yesterday was a fun busy busy day. We had about 23 dogs playing on the yard all day! Some boarders from the weekend and other daycare Ultimutts!

Things went great other than one Ultimutt's owners complaint: "My dogs aren't happy to see me-I've never boarded them before and now they don't want to leave." We just laughed and said the dogs never do when they have been at Ultimutt!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Fantastic Friday

We hope to have the slide show up-loaded before the long weekend so you can enjoy, share and LAUGH with your family at friends. I think I have laughed more in the last few weeks than I have in months! Yesterday and today have been awesome.
We have had 20 dogs each day and have loved watching them learn the ropes, make new friends, play, and run like there is no tomorrow.
We are very excited about our weekend boarders-we have a full house of sweet wonderful Ultimutts! They are all outside playing now so they are ready to go to bed tonight!
Have a wonderful safe Labor Day weekend and GO HOGS!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tongue Twister Thursday

See if you can say this three times fast:
Derby, Darby, Derby, Brady, Buddy, Brady, Bella, Lilly, Andy, Maggie, Abbey, Missie, Daisey, Cutie Pie, Jesabell, Alex, Mack, Chance and our favorite Corona! And if you thought that was confusing we have 5 Schnauzers, 2 labs, 2 Shih Tzus, 5 Ulti'MUTT's, 1 Corgie, 1 Boxer, 1 Bichon, 1 English Pointer, and last but certainly with the most energy Lilly the Jack Russell.
So needless to say-things are a little crazy up here! And we love it! We have had lots of 'first timers' today and everyone is doing so wonderful. Our 'regulars' are showing them the ropes: where to sniff, which pole is the most fun to bark at, Lilly is giving 'bathing' lessons in the water bowl, Darby shows them how to steal our lawn chairs (We haven't sat in them all day-which is thrilling Darby), Buddy, Maggie, Chance, Mack and Cutie Pie bark and show how running full speed in circles and figure 8's through the back yard is as good, if not better, than bacon. :)
Lunch and nap time are almost over so I better wrap this up! The dogs are quiet back there which means they are going to be rested and ready to go!!!
We have a few spots left for this weekend-so if you are headed to the lake or to the Hog game give us a call!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Spa Day!

Whether your dog be big or small, short hair or long haired, indoor or outdoor they probably need a bath and thier nails cut! ALL dogs should have thier nails cut every 4-6 weeks. Besides the damage they do to your hard wood floor and your nerves from hearing 'tap-tap-tap-tap-tap' long nails cause damage to your dogs joints. When the nails are long enough to touch the ground, your dog begins to walk differently which over times causes a strain on thier knees and hips. Ok, now I'll step off my soapbox and tell you a little about bath time and spa days.

We allow each dog time to play with the other dogs before thier honey and oatmeal bath. (both of which are good for thier skin and help keep thier coats shiny) Your dog will either sit in our laps and be towel/air dried or allow to run around indoors-depending on what they prefer. And yes, even those huge dogs that are 'not lap dogs' sit in our laps on the table while we dry them. Then they are expertly cut/shaved/trimmed and gently brushed. Depending on thier hair length and gender we will add a cute bow or a fun bandana.

Back to thier nails: We will file thier nails to ensure that they are smooth when they go home and just the right length. And if you would like just that extra little touch-we can paint the nails. (Dog safe polish of course) I painted Maggie's a few weeks ago for practice and it stayed on about 2+ weeks-and remember she plays hard every day!

We have a great crew of doggies here again today but are starting to book up on groomings and baths so wanted to remind you to book thier appointments early.